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Norway's Statnett considers offshore power interconnections in the North Sea

Norway's power transmission system operator Statnett is investigating potential hybrid grid solutions for offshore wind power generation in the Sørvest F area in the Norwegian North Sea. The "hybrid" interconnection project would include cables between the transmission grids of neighbouring countries and cables to Norwegian offshore wind parks.

The TSO will join forces with other European TSOs, namely Elia (Belgium), TenneT (Germany), Amprion (Germany), Energinet (Denmark) and National Grid Venture (United Kingdom) to jointly carry out an evaluation of technical, economic, market and regulatory aspects of such grid solution alternatives. Statnett already has signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with Amprion and TenneT and aims to conclude MoUs with the other counterparts by the end of 2023. The feasibility studies could be completed by the end of 2024, with commissioning of the new interconnector by 2035.

Norway's Ministry of oil and energy ministry has selected three potential areas in the North Sea - namely Sørvest F, Vestavind F and Vestavind B - for an offshore wind tender planned for 2025. Norway plans to develop 30 GW of offshore wind by 2040 (only about 6 MW installed at the end of 2021).