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National Grid has joined Elia and RTE as a new shareholder of Coreso. Each of the three TSO's now equally owns 1/3 of the capital of

Coreso. The collaboration between the three operators now includes the flows of electricity between mainland Europe and the UK in the

management of the European grid. Coreso, located in Brussels, is the first technical coordination centre to be shared by several TSO's. It was founded in December 2008 and started its activities in February 2009. Since the start of its operational activities on February 16th, Coreso has been supplying the control centres of the relevant TSO's with forecasts about the security of the grid of the North West of Europe, by performing security analyses, simulating various scenarios and proposing sets of coordinated remedial actions that TSO's can take to master the security of the

electrical system in this zone. The participation of National Grid will allow Coreso to develop operational exchanges

between the UK and mainland Europe.