According to statistics from the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) of India, 40 hydropower projects totalling more than 14,000 MW of capacity, are under development in India and should be commissioned by 2018. Of this amount, 7.5 GW of capacity should be developed by the central government through NTPC (three projects) and NHPC (five projects). NHPC is developing the 2,000 MW Subansiri project in Arunachal Pradesh, the 800 MW Parbati-2 and 520 MW Parbati-3 in Himachal Pradesh, the 330 MW Kishanganga in Jammu & Kashmir and the 160 MW Teesta Lower in Sikkim. NTPC is developing three projects, the 800 MW Koldam plant in Himachal Pradesh, and the 520 MW Tapovan Vishnugad and 171 MW Lata Tapovan projects, both in Uttarakhand. State energy boards will add over 2 GW of projects, with nearly half the capacity additions (956 MW) in Himachal Pradesh. Private investors will contribute by more than 4.5 GW by 2018.

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