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First turbine installed at 1.3 GW Golden Plains wind project (Australia)

TagEnergy has installed its first turbine at the 756 MW Golden Plains Wind Farm – East project, the first phase of the 1.3 GW Golden Plains onshore wind complex, located in Rokewood, Victoria (Australia). The V162 wind turbine built by Vestas and rated 6.2 MW is the first of its type to be installed in Victoria and the first of 122 to be installed at Golden Plains Wind Farm – East. The first phase of the project expects to start commissioning the turbines in late 2024, with full operations scheduled for early 2025. TagEnergy has signed two Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to secure 60% of the renewable energy produced and green certificates (LGCs) once the first phase becomes operational (Snowy Hydro 40% and Equinix 20%)

The Golden Plains complex, owned by TagEnergy (85%) and Ingka Group (15%), will comprise a total of 215 turbines and will also feature 300 MW of battery storage capacity. The project is expected to be able to generate enough energy for over 765,000 Australian households and cover about 9% of Victoria’s total electricity demand.

The State of Victoria targets 65% of power generation from renewable sources by 2030 and 95% by 2035. The State also plans to achieve at least 2.6 GW of energy storage capacity by 2030 and 6.3 GW by 2035.

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