EP Produzione, the Italian subsidiary of the Czech group EPH, has connected to the grid the 800 MW Tavazzano and Montanaso CCGT power plant, located in the province of Lodi, near Milan (northern Italy). Construction of the power plant, which is expected to supply power to about 1.5 million Italian households, first began in 2021. The new CCGT unit features a GT36 gas turbine provided by Italy’s Ansaldo Energia.
EPH also operates the adjacent Tavazzano Montanaso gas-fired power plant, which comprises two CCGT units commissioned in 2005 and totalling 1,140 MW.
In 2022, gas represented 40% of Italy’s installed capacity with 48 GW and 50% of its power generation with over 141 TWh. 40% of Italy’s total gas consumption was used for power plants in 2022, surpassing its use for the residential, services and agriculture sector (34%) and for the industry sector (14%).

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