The Czech gas transmission system operator (TSO) Net4Gas has released its 2021-2030 investment plan and decided to postpone and scale back gas interconnection projects with Poland and Austria, since these projects were not included in the European list of projects of common interest (PCI).
The STORK II gas interconnection project between Břeclav (near the Austrian border) and the Polish border, which was expected to deliver 7.5 bcm/year to Poland and to import 5.2 bcm/year to the Czech Republic from 2023 will be downsized and is no longer expected before 2027-2028. The 4.6-5.4 bcm/year Moravia gas pipeline project between Tvrdonice at the Austrian and Slovak border and Libhošť near Poland, which was part of the interconnection project with Poland and was expected in 2023 too, has also been suspended. As well, the 6.6 bcm/year Bidirectional Austrian Czech-Interconnection (BACI) project that was expected in 2024 will be replaced by a smaller project due as of 2026. The 2021-2030 ten-year network development plan includes alternative possibilities that would depend on capacity auctions in 2021.