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Bahrain energy report

Bahrain energy report
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This analysis includes a comprehensive Bahrain energy market report and updated datasets. It is derived from the most recent key economic indicators, supply and demand factors, oil and gas pricing trends and major energy issues and developments surrounding the energy industry. The report provides a complete picture of the country situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. With market data and continuous follow-up of markets news, this report brings clear and concise insights with which to tackle national energy challenges and opportunities. Browse the tabs below for a detailed table of contents, the list of graphs and tables, and details on the data files.


  • The country targets 6% of energy savings (compared to BAU) in 2025 and 20% of renewables in the power capacity mix in 2035.
  • Autoproducers own around half of the power capacity. IPPs operate around 80% of the public power capacity. Engie is the largest IPP.
  • Saudi Aramco is the main oil producer.
  • Power generation is 100% based on gas.
  • The VAT on oil and gas was reduced from 5% to 0% in January 2022.
  • Electricity prices are stable, after rapid growth for industry users from 2016 to 2019.
  • Energy consumption per capita is among the highest in the world due to the highly developed aluminium and petrochemical industries, which account for 47% of the final energy consumption.
  • Industry also represents more than half of the electricity consumption.
  • Bahrain targets 200 MW of solar PV by 2025 and 400 MW by 2035.
highest energy consumption per capita
final energy saving in 2025
renewables in power capacity mix by 2035
  • Institutions & Energy Policy

    The Ministry of Electricity and Water Affairs supervises the electricity sector, renewables, and energy efficiency.

    The Ministry of Oil and Environment regulates the oil and gas sector.

    The Supreme Council for Environment oversees sustainable development and climate change related issues.

  • Energy Companies


    Nogaholding, the Oil and Gas Holding Company, which was the business and investment arm of NOGA, now operates under Bapco Energies.

  • Energy Supply


    Gas production remained stable from 2019 to 2022 (around 17 bcm in 2022); according to first estimates, production increased by 3.8% in 2023. It had previously increased by 11% in 2019 thanks to the improvement of existing fields and the commissioning by Banagas of a new gas production plant in 2018, which doubled the gas processing capacity.

  • Energy Prices


    In 2015, the Government decided to raise the price of natural gas sold to companies (from US$2.25 to US$2.5 per million BTU) in order to cut fuel subsidies, which has been a major strain on the State budget. The price of natural gas increased by 25% on 1 April of each year until reaching US$4 per MMBtu in 2021.

  • Energy Consumption

    Per capita energy consumption reached 11 toe in 2022 (three times higher than the Middle East average and 6 times the global average), while electricity consumption per capita was 22 MWh (5 times the Middle East average and 7 times the global average), due to the aluminium sector.

  • Issues & Prospects


    In 2022, the country announced it was considering hiring consultants to help sell stakes in oil and gas assets to open the sector to foreign investments.

  • GRAPH 1: CO2-energy Emissions (MtCO2)
  • GRAPH 2: Installed electric capacity by source (2022, %)
  • GRAPH 3: Gross power production by source (TWh)
  • GRAPH 4: Power generation by source (2022, %)
  • GRAPH 5: Gasoline & diesel prices (US$/l)
  • GRAPH 6: Electricity Prices for Industry and Households (US$c/kWh)
  • GRAPH 7: Gas prices for industry (US$c/kWh GCV)
  • GRAPH 8: Consumption trends by energy source (Mtoe)
  • GRAPH 9: Total consumption market share by energy (2022, %)
  • GRAPH 10: Final consumption market share by sector (2022, %)
  • Economic Indicators: Annual historical data including population, GDP growth, imports and exports, inflation rate, energy security and efficiency indicators, CO2 emissions.
  • Supply Indicators: Historical data including oil and gas reserves, electric and refining capacity, energy production, power production and external trade. All are detailed by energy source.
  • Demand Indicators: Historical data including consumption per inhabitant, consumption trends, total consumption by energy source, final consumption by energy source and sector, and electricity consumption by sector.
  • Energy Balances: Single table displaying the overall energy industry balance per annum, also graphically displayed by energy sub-segment.
  • Infrastructure Projects: Covers power plant projects by energy, technology, status and operator.

The Bahrain energy market data since 1990 and up to is included in the Excel file accompanying the Bahrain country report.
It showcases the historical evolution, allowing users to easily work with the data.

Key Data included in the excelsheet:

  • Economic indicators: Annual historical economic indicators, energy security, energy efficiency and CO2 emissions.
  • Supply indicators: Annual historical reserves, capacity, production and external trade (imports(+) exports(-) balance).
  • Demand indicators: Annual historical consumption per capita, consumption trends, total consumption, final consumption (per energy and per sector) and electricity consumption total and per sector.
  • Energy Balance: total and per energy.
  • Bahrain Energy Prices: In addition to the analysis provided on the report we also provided a data set which includes historical details on the Bahrain energy prices for the follow items: price of premium gasoline (taxes incl.), price of diesel (taxes incl.), price of electricity in industry (taxes incl.), price of electricity for households (taxes incl.), price of natural gas in industry (taxes incl.), prices of natural gas for households (taxes incl.), spot price of Brent and CO2 emissions (from fuel combustion).