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Energy efficiency in the EU transport sector

Where are we and where do we need to go?

The EU has set several ambitious goals for the transport sector, e.g., by 2030 at least 30 million zero-emission cars should be in operation on European roads and by 2050 rail freight traffic should double. However, while we are in progress of reaching those goals, how do we analyse the state of this transition? In this webinar, we looked into how to conclude such analysis and discuss how fast the changes in energy consumption and efficiency are taking place.

During the webinar, our speakers have addressed such topics:

  • Drivers of growth in energy demand in transport
  • Quantifications of energy savings
  • Energy efficiency trends in the EU since 2010 and the impact of COVID-19 in 2020


Estelle PAYAN
Estelle PAYAN
Energy Analyst at Enerdata
Scientific Director at Enerdata