Enerdata will help ADEME build an internal platform gathering information on multilateral international initiatives linked to some sustainable development goals (7 – Affordable and Clean Energy; 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure; 11 – Sustainable cities and communities; 12 – responsible consumption and production; 13 – Climate action).
More precisely, we will monitor global initiatives, international negotiations, development aid programmes and development banks activities related to ecological transition, i.e., to the fight against climate change (mitigation, adaptation, CCS, technology transfers), energy, sustainable cities, buildings, circular economy, agriculture and forests.
For this project, we will carry out a weekly press review on global initiatives and will write a synthesis of the key events every two weeks. We will also provide ADEME with a monthly dashboard including events of the last month and the main events to come in the next 12 months (international negotiations, summits, reports, and more).
This one-year contract starting in September 2021 adds to a multi-year monitoring project focused on adaptation to climate change led for ADEME.