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Scenarios for carbon neutrality by 2050 for the Brittany Region of France

The objective of the project was to update the energy-climate section of the Schéma Régional d'Aménagement, de Développement Durable et d'Egalité des Territoires - SRADDET (Regional Plan for Sustainable Development and Territorial Equality).

Drawn up by the Regions, the SRADDET defines, among other things, regional targets and trajectories for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, controlling energy consumption and developing renewable energies. The Brittany Region has launched a call for tenders seeking support in updating its energy and climate trajectories, in line with current French regulations (National Low Carbon Strategy – SNBC2) and in anticipation of future developments in the French Energy and Climate Strategy (SNBC3 and the new Multiannual Energy Programme known as "PPE3"). For the development of these trajectories, the region is aiming to involve regional stakeholders through a consultation and co-construction process.

Enerdata is drawing on its in-depth knowledge of national prospective scenarios and national energy-climate regulations, its solid experience in prospective analysis and in the development and evaluation of energy-climate policies at different territorial scales, its modelling tools that can be adapted to the territory of application and its network of partners. It has joined forces with Virage Energie, a specialist in sufficiency and regional consultation, and CERESCO, an expert in agricultural forecasting, to develop a proposal tailored to the needs of the Region.

Over the course of this 24-month contract, Enerdata and its partners will develop three regional scenarios for carbon neutrality by 2050, including energy scenarios and associated energy mixes, involving regional stakeholders in the process. They will also propose an approach for rolling out the regional climate and energy objectives at the level of the region's EPCIs, and qualify the resources and materials needed for the transition according to the three carbon neutrality scenarios.