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Fight against energy poverty – good practices

In October 2020, Enerdata started a mission on energy poverty for the French National Energy Poverty Observatory (ONPE) and the French Ecology Transition Agency (ADEME). It will produce a brochure on good practices in the fight against energy poverty in Europe.

Today, a growing number of European citizens (50 to 110 million, depending on the estimate) are confronted with this phenomenon. This project aims to improve the sharing of knowledge and the dissemination of good practices within the European Union (EU) countries.

In this context, Enerdata participates in producing country files on energy poverty, which highlight international and national statistics as well as the national policies and exemplary local operations. Enerdata will provide and analyse statistical indicators for monitoring energy poverty and the associated analysis. The country factsheets will be produced for 10 EU countries as well as for the EU.