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Ofgem (UK) shorlists five new power interconnection projects

The British energy regulator Ofgem has short-listed five new interconnector projects that could be built in the next five years, representing a total investment programme of up to £6bn (€7.5bn). Of the five projects, two would connect the United Kingdom to France: the IFA2 project, developed by National Grid and RTE, would be commissioned in October 2019, while the FAB project, developed by FAB Link and RTE, would be commissioned in December 2020. The NSN project, developed by National Grid and Statnett, would connect Blyth to Norway in October 2019 and the Viking Link (National Grid and would connect Bicker Fen to Denmark in October 2020. The fifth project, named Greenlink by its developer Element Power, would connect Pembroke to Ireland; the date of connection will be confirmed by summer 2015.

In addition, Ofgem has already assessed the ElecLink and Nemo projects, two proposed 1 GW interconnection lines to France and Belgium, respectively.