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Assessing the EU Commission's proposals for the new EU ETS directive by 2030

The Enerdata research program - “Coordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 by 2030” (COPEC) was designed to provide trustful and independent quantified analysis of the functioning of the EU ETS. The program is focused on the economic impacts and examines the conditions for improving its environmental and economic effectiveness.

The analysis consists of:

  • The overview of academic work to an audience of decision makers
  • The production of new economic and environmental analyses
  • The modeling of different 2030 scenarios

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The main findings about the interactions between EU ETS, RES and EE targets are the following:

  • In 2005-2012, 2020 RES and EE targets played an important role on EU ETS emissions abatements and therefore on the price of CO 2 in the EU ETS.
  • By 2030, the GHG target alone is enough to achieve GHG emission reductions and RES integration, economic viability of an energy efficiency objective is not given.

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