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What is AMPERE?

The AMPERE project was dedicated to the "Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation Pathways and Evaluation of the Robustness of Mitigation Cost Estimates". Lead by PIK, 21 partners from Europe and Asia, funded by the EU, worked on AMPERE. The project closed with a final conference in Brussels on January 21, a booked-out event at CEPS where presenters and stakeholders from the European Commission, the EU, China and USA discussed their insights on climate change mitigation pathways, the role of technology, and the role of European climate policy.

A total of 17 energy-economy and integrated assessment models were used in the project to compare differences and commonalities in the results; Enerdata participated using the model POLES.

Certain key findings:

  • Global progress to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the next two decades is crucial for achieving ambitious climate targets at low costs
  • Europe can signal the will for strong emissions reductions - with large climate benefits if others follow
  • Decarbonisation holds challenges and opportunities for Europe

The cost-effective pathway for the long-term decarbonisation of the EU, with an objective of a 40% reduction in 2030 compared to 1990, as foreseen by the AMPERE consortium, was the one also adopted by the European Commission and announced by EC President Barroso last week.

The reduced size on the assessing Pathways toward Ambitious Climate syntheses can be downloaded here:

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